CSS – Responsive Image Resizing Technique

img.scale-with-grid {
width: 100%;
height: auto;

jQuery – Loop thro DOM table rows

var rows = $('.data-table-theme tbody tr');
$(rows).each(function(i, tr) {

jQuery – To determine if an element is visible or not

if ($("#sbox").is(':visible') == false) {

jQuery – Animate Width on Hover

$("#sbox").animate({width: 'toggle'},300,'linear');

jQuery – Scroll to Top

$('html,body').animate({scrollTop: 0},1500,'easeOutCubic');

jQuery – Determine page scrolled length

$(window).scroll(function() {
var y_scroll_pos = window.pageYOffset;
var scroll_pos_test = 250;
if(y_scroll_pos > scroll_pos_test) {
$('nav ul li ul').hide();

PHP – Get previous month (Dateadd “m” -1)

echo date("m-Y", strtotime("-1 month"));
$x = strtotime('25-'.$_POST['xdate']);
echo date("m-Y", strtotime("-1 month",$x));

PHP – Truncate Last Characters

substr_replace($string ,"",-1);